A Training Session with Lysanne Richard - ZigZag Sport
A Training Session with Lysanne Richard - ZigZag Sport

A Training Session with Lysanne Richard

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Here is the recap video of the pre-jump training day from Lysanne Richard's hot air balloon upcoming event. A wonderful sunny day of shooting accompanied by Yves Milord, Michaël Foisy (because yes, he also dives) and none other than Louna, the ZigZag dog!

Take the time to watch these picturesque images of the training site located in Saint-Éphrem-de-Beauce. The scenery is breathtaking, as are the jumps of our favorite highdiving athletes! Hard to say if the landscape and the smiles shine more than the exploits of our Quebecer athletes! Thanks to the dive team for ensuring safety in the water and to the owner of the place for the access!